Master Chico Color: Chocolate AKA/CKC Registered Male GandGToyPoodles.com

Master Pierre Color: Red AKC/CKC Registered Male GandGToyPoodles.com

Master Rusty Color: Chocolate Phantom CKC Registered Male GandGToyPoodles.com

Master Chico Color: Chocolate AKA/CKC Registered Male GandGToyPoodles.com
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Our adult breeders are our pets and family first. Their health and well-being will always be our priority.
These are our four-legged children: spoiled, raised in a loving Christian home with us, not in cages or crates (except for sleeping and breeding), and they get free run of our home.
Our males range from approx. 5 pounds to 7-1/2 pounds. Our females range from approx. 6 to 8 pounds. All of our dogs are DNA tested by Optimal Selection and are chipped.
If you still have questions, please contact us.